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Raheel's Blog


  • Nobody Wants to Read Slideshow Text

    My take on reducing the noise in a presentation by eliminating paragraphs or bullet points caused by procedural indoctrination.
  • Ontological

    The word I learned on December 23rd, 2023 is "ontological"
  • What Makes a Good Liar?

    Telling the truth is much better than lying. This post if for those who have no other choice...
  • Intravenous

    The word I learned on December 19th, 2023 is "intravenous"
  • Why Blog? An Opinion from an Ex-YouTuber

    I reflect on why I made the transition from YouTube to a custom blog and why filmmakers should choose a blog despite the mass appeal of video creation
  • The Opinionated Guide on Racing Simulation

    Learn about my experience with sim racing, some common vocabulary, gear recommendations, displays, PC parts and specs, games/simulators, etc
  • Fixing Vulnerabilities with Speed

    In this article, I walk through how I managed to bump several major, critical, and vulnerable dependencies with speed, resulting in a 234-file pull request.
  • How to Eat Dirt

    Learn how embracing failure can lead to greater innovation and efficiency in your work and propel your personal growth and professional growth
  • My LunarVim Config: 2023 Edition

    Learn about my LunarVim config! Discover some plugins, overrides, and tips you can use for your own NeoVim config and dotfiles
  • What It's Like to Be a Software Developer at 18

    A little insight into the mind of someone who should've done what he was told